
CLEO Redux exposes some of the configurable settings in the file CLEO\.config\cleo.ini.


  • AllowCs - when set to 1 CLEO loads and executes *.cs files located in the CLEO directory. Enabled by default.

  • AllowJs - when set to 1 CLEO loads and executes *.js files located in the CLEO directory. Enabled by default.

  • AllowFxt - when set to 1 CLEO loads and uses *.fxt files located in the CLEO\CLEO_TEXT directory. Enabled by default.

  • LogOpcodes - when set to 1 CLEO logs all executed opcodes in custom scripts.

  • PermissionLevel - sets the permission level for unsafe operations (see below). Default is Lax.

  • CheckUpdates - (deprecated in favor of Frontend plugin)

  • DisplayMenuInfo - (deprecated in favor of Frontend plugin)


  • EnableSelfHost - when set to 1 CLEO runs in the self-host mode. Only applicable on an Unknown host. See the Emdedding guide for more information.
  • SelfHostFps - the amount of iterations per second the CLEO's main loop will do. Only applicable when EnableSelfHost is 1. Default is 30.


This section lists permission tokens and sets whether they are allowed or not in the Strict mode.